Monday, April 4, 2016

New Tool - Cintiq 21 UX 2

Whilst my brother is spending two years abroad. I've been lucky enough to get
a hands of his most prized tool. Cintiq 21UX 2

Guess I'll get to draw a lot more. My experience with it so far has been great! I haven't done computer-based drawing before and I can already see the advantages it brings. All the minor tweaks that you can do to  your drawing playing with proportions (Hard when you're drawing straight pen to paper). 

Studying Industrial Design the mantra is to commit to your lines and to have them clean and crisp... 
I think it's time to explore a different mantra :P
Whilst I can still achieve this on the Cintiq I'm happy that I can easily edit things too.

First drawing - Baby Doll from Sucker Punch